Kanumoji | Home

Welcome to the site! You can find socials, information, and tests. Or really anything related to Kanumoji here!

Heya! I'm starting a new project (and another, coming whenever) you can read about it, here.

Sorry, but here's another thing; if you have a DS with a browser, my site (currently) works on it! (Just keep in mind I use a New 2DS XL so I don't know about older models) try my page for it (heavy WIP); DS Link

Yes. Another thing. Discord bot? Now, I may or may not. Since I have to use a type of Node.JS as far as I am aware, but maybe. And that also includes one for guilded.

(05/03/2024) - Welp, hello again. Another project, possibly; an RSS feed. Still working on it, but y'know, it'll come around eventually.

I also will cleanup the site and make it better at some point. Thanks for reading, by the way.